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Hotel Avisha, is an ideal venue for all types of Social and Corporate events with a flexible capacity. It is located near Milan Bazar in Kestopur. For Weddings, 24 hours booking slots are available. For other Social and Corporate events the booking can be done in two slots , either from 10 am- 5 pm or 5 pm- 12 midnight. 30 rooms are available accomodating 80 pax on chargeable basis.The venue offers great hospitality & quality service.
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Great Ambience, Range Of Personalization Options That Are Available And Well Connected Location.
IVORY Banquets
It's a One stop solution for all your event organizing needs. An ideal destination for Weddings, Receptions, Anniversari..
Vishnu Priya Banquets
Be it an idyllic wedding, a corporate event, formal parties, a concert, a social do or an art extravaganza, it makes all..
Clear visibility from VIP road, Congestion free area, Beside a natural waterfront, direct connectivity to Airport. Half ..
Green Acre
Outdoor spacious green lawn with rooms for staying. Ample car parking space in the roadside area. Electricity cost is in..